As you know from my previous posts I keep pretty much all my bday and other greeting cards that anyone has ever given to me.. When clearing all my stuff before the big move I started reading some of them. It is amazing how things change... things that people wish you today may not be relevant or important in 2, 5, 10 years time... And then of course there are things that never change and are as relevant and touching today as they were back then...
If you had the opportunity to write a card to yourself in the past what would you say? what would you wish yourself? what words of wisdom would you send yourself having the benefit of the hindsight?
Well I found a wonderful message in the book that I am reading at the moment...
Basically, the main character is given the gift of eternal life (as long as he remains on Manhattan island) with one condition. I think if I could send a card to myself in the past I would write exactly that...
"in order to live, you must truly live. You cannot simply exist, like a cow or a tree. You must live... To find work that you love, and work harder than other men. To learn the languages of the earth, and love the sounds of the words and the things they describe. To love food and music and drink. Fully love them. To love weather, and storms, and the smell of rain. To love heat. To love cold. To love sleep and dreams. To love the newness of each day..."
Wow, what wonderful words Liya. I wouldn't do anything different if I could go back, I'm happy where I'm at now.
But if I had to say something to my ten year younger self it would be: "Dance as though no one is watching you, love as though you have never been hurt before, sing as though no one can hear you, live as though heaven is on earth."
~ Souza
I'm striving to live my life like that all the time and you can never begin early enough in doing that. Life is too short. -xxx-
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