Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year all! My new year was chilled (both literally and figuratively speaking) .. It was filled mostly with excessive food consumption followed by some more food.

As I was sitting there reminiscing about 2010, I started thinking (as I do every year) about things that have happened to me and that I have achieved during the past year and things that I would like to happen to me and achieve in the year ahead. Each year, as I think about my last year's resolutions, I give myself a sort of a mini evalutation.. For example: "moved to another continent - good, big achievement".. or  "didnt date enough boys in 2010 - some work needed in 2011".

Lost of good things happened to me in 2010.

  • I finally finished studying, a process that hasnt stopped since my 7th birthday... I hate studying and I don't have enough patience but for some reason it just never stopped!
  • I moved to London... that was a big achievement considering the fact that I have never been to London before and the whole move was decided and accomplished in under 6 weeks
  • I had to leave all my friends in Sydnet - not a good thing but thank God for skype
  • I took up photography and started a blog - pretty self explanatory
All in all, a pretty good year!

1 comments: said...

I love the bun on the 2nd gent's head! Happy new year darl!