Hello! I am back from my travels and back to blogging. I am a strong believer that one should only blog when feels inspired to do so and the blogging should never be a chore. So for the last few weeks all I felt like doing was relaxing, enjoying my travel experiences and forgetting about everything else.
I am now back on it and would love to share some of my travels with you but until I get my act together, here are some oldies that I have totally forgotten about.
A couple of months ago I was asked at very short notice to put together a piece on London street style which of course means that East London had to be involved.
I had to pull the piece from my archive photos as there was literally no time to shoot new material. I found some really cool people in my archive which I now would like to share with you. In Russia there is a saying that "everything new is just a well-forgotten old". I think these styles are just as relevant and cool today as they were 6, 12, 18 months ago when I shot them. Hope you enjoy!
Fantastic pictures...I hope you had a wonderful time. xx
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