Monday, December 20, 2010

a little bit emotional ...

There is a lot to be said about love .. especially around Christmas time. Love actually is all around :)
Christmas is also the time to be with your loved ones and the ones closest to you. For me the loved ones and the closest ones are spread over two continents and none of them happen to be in London..

But strangely the loved ones are always with you even if you don't realise it...  Last weekend I got a my Christmas present from my BFF*.. all the way from Australia! The good thing about getting presents from the BFF is that you know that the present will never be a stock standard present. It will be always meaningful.. because as your loved one and the one who knows you best, the BFF always knows exactly what the perfect present is...

One of the best things about a loved one is that, with a little bit of luck, they actually love you back :) When someone loves you they believe in you... I personally think that someone's belief in you is sooo underestimated! When I started doing photography I was a little shy about it (because you never know whether you are actually doing a decent job.. I for one happen to be my own toughest critic) and even now many of my friends don't know that I have a blog... But hearing words of support and reassurance about something that you love doing from people you love is just priceless!

This is one of the presents from the BFF and it came with the following message: "...this book made me think that if Facehunter can do it then you can too..."

and here is the man himself.. Mr Facehunter as snapped by me:

Thank you, my wonderful friend A, for being there (across thousands of miles) and believing in me!! Love you always! xx

*BFF - Best Friend Forever (a girl) and not a boyfriend (had to clarify as this has previously caused some confusion among the readers). And yes I love my friends. In case you were wondering.


Anonymous said...

is not true only strong survive but who is able to keep fast the changes...

Kit said...

Nice one.
I had mine signed but I want The Sartorialist book.

the nyanzi report said...

sweet second shot! said...

lOVE HIM!!! =)