Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Boys' house...

I am a girl. A very girly girl. So when I went over to a friend's house a couple of weeks ago to take some street style shots of him, and saw shiny bikes, half-dead bikes, wheels and a motorbike hanging around the house as if saying "what, you mean you dont have these at your house?!", I just had to take some photos (some of them ended up quite blurry but thats not the point!). Not going to lie to you this sudden urge to take photos at people's houses may have been caused by the fact that I spent that morning going through The Selby, which is definitely one of my favourite photo blogs out there! 


Bárbara said...

This is funny, because I'm too girly too and now I have decided I want to redecorate my room! and i find this one charming

Prutha Raithatha said...

nice pics


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