Thursday, June 17, 2010

make me happy books...

No matter whether you read a lot of books or pick one up every now and again as a form of sedative.. there must be a couple of books on your shelf that make you happy... I am talking about when you for no particular reason pick that book up and flick through the pages or read a random part and it instantly makes you happy.. For the last ten years I have been a bit of a gypsy, moving from one apartment to the next I cannot really afford (space wise) to have a library.. So I normally give them away to friends or sell them on e-bay. But these babies are not going anywhere. They make me happy... Le Petit Prince is in French and I can hardly understand it but I keep re-reading it hoping that every time I will pick up something new. Oscar Wilde I love for the beautiful use of English - I experience an unexplainable joy from reading (or re-reading) his plays. The Sartorialist - you cant really read this one but although I know every photo in the book I still look at his photos almost every day. I love portraits and to me The Sartorialist is not about fashion but about portraits, hundreds and hundreds of portraits. What are your happy books?


Kylie said...

i have way too many favourites :-p
The time travellers wife, The bridges of Madison County, Eat Pray Love ... I need to go pick up a book now :o)

the nyanzi report said...

Seat Of The Soul by Gary Zukav, the sartorialist, Kampala...A Series Of Photography, oh ,I got too many as well .

Anonymous said...

I do either adore these books! Oscar Wild is a great writer