Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rainy days in Sydney....

So as most of you are aware from my constant complaining, it has been raining a lot in Sydney over the last two weeks... Here are some of the random 'rainy' shots...


Biana said...

hmm, rainy weather does bring you in the mood for hot soup, huh.. I love the wine bottle shot.
These photos make me hungry

Lady M said...

Rain is beautiful.I love rainy.
But sometimes,It's inconvenient.

And after the rain comes a rainbow.

Kylie said...

Yep, raining over here in NZ for the past few weeks too. but these are lovely shots and its definitely Hot Soup weather!

Bárbara said...

I understand your complaining. I know rain is necesary but it just sucks.... nice pictures tough!

have a lovely day!!

kisses from what-used-to-be-a-sunny-Madrid-but-not-anymore-because-it-is-raining-cats-and-dogs-right-now