Wednesday, March 23, 2011

French Chic, Paris


Natalia Romashko said...

Hi:) thank you for the attention to my blog! I appreciate your every comment.
I was watching your blog for some time and I have one advice for you. I like the quality of your photos and your vision so I think you have a big potential. But...You make photos on fashion weeks and the problem is that many other street style bloggers do it. So the result is-it's hard for you to make unique phtos with unique looks because many other people make photos of the same people.
So my advice is- try to make your own unique shots -make photos of ordinary people on the streets that don't have anything in common with fashion. I think that a good example in this case is Wish you luck and you should know that I believe in you.

the nyanzi report said...

Oooh wee! You're killing it!


This is a beautiful shot. I love fashion-in-motion photographs.